About Us
Mary MacKillop Today promotes financial inclusion and offers fair and equitable credit to people with low incomes. Mary MacKillop Today now offers No Interest Loan Schemes across Australia with offices across the Central West.
In addition to providing access to microfinance, the Mary MacKillop Today’s Financial Inclusion Program also helps build people’s financial literacy, provides access to government funded energy efficient product subsidies (when available), advocates for people on low incomes when required and also refers clients to other services and programs where additional needs are identified.
What is NILS?
Mary MacKillop Today’s No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) is an accredited program that was developed by the Good Shepherd Sisters in 1981. The loans do not attract interest and there are no fees. Borrow up to $2000 for essentials such as appliances or furniture, to help you get your car back on the road, pay for education fees and equipment or help you cover the cost of goods and services to support your wellbeing. Borrow up to $3000 for housing related expenses such as bond or rent in advance, or for recovery from a natural disaster.
Watch the video to find out more!
NILS for Vehicles - Interest-Free Loans for Car Purchases
NILS for Vehicles offers fee-free, interest free loans ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 to help eligible individuals purchase a vehicle. Repayments are made in simple fortnightly instalments over a period of up to 48 months. This program is an extension of our existing No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS), designed to make essential vehicle ownership more accessible.
Money Talks
Make better decisions and take control of your money today! Sign up for our educational sessions covering budgeting, saving, banking, credit & loans, managing bills, debt reduction and tenancy.
Register your interest and we’ll notify you when there’s a workshop near you.
Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA)
EAPA is a NSW Government Scheme to help NSW households. The purpose of the EAPA Scheme is to help customers who are experiencing a short-term financial crisis or emergency and need help to pay their home electricity and/or natural gas (energy) bills. The Scheme is designed to help these customers stay connected to essential energy services. It is a crisis scheme and not intended to offer ongoing income support.
Work and Development Orders (WDO’s)
A Work and Development Order (WDO) lets you clear your fines with activities like unpaid work, counselling, courses, treatment programs and more.
October 2018
“Without No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) I wouldn’t be here now (in a new home). I wouldn’t have been able to afford these things I needed. It has enabled me to set up myself here. Without access to NILS I would have had to go into a home, now I will be able to stay here and be comfortable.”
- Susan, who overcame her barrier to independence through the No Interest Loan Scheme.
Do you
With us you pay no more.
No Fees. No Charges. No Interest.
Find out more about how Mary MacKillop Today
can help you with a No Interest Loan (NILS).